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The TEACH Trust is governed by four Members and twelve Trustees. The Governance Professional oversees the smooth running of the Trust Board business. There are a number of committees which support the Main Board in its running of the Trust.

The members of an Academy Trust are the guardians of the governance of the Trust. Members hold the Trust Board to account for the effective governance of the Trust but have a minimal role in the
actual running of the trust. It is the Trust Board, not the Members, who are the organisation’s key decision makers.

Trustees work together to carry out their core functions:

  • strategic leadership
  • accountability and assurance
  • strategic engagement

Trustees are responsible for governing a charitable company and directing how it is managed and run. Trustees must also ensure that the Trust complies with all legal and statutory requirements as set out by the Department for Education (DFE) and the Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA).

The TEACH Trust is organised into committees (whose responsibilities are governed by the scheme of delegation as agreed by the Main Trust Board at the time).
Trust Finance, Audit and Staffing Committee – the Finance, Audit and Staffing Committee, focuses on financial regularity; budget scrutiny; all staffing legal and well-being matters; and all matters regarding internal and external audit.
Standards Committee – the Standards Committee focuses on outcomes and standards across all 4 schools, including all groups of pupils.
Pay Committee – the pay committee focuses on agreeing the pay for all staff, including the CEO.
Specialist Committees- Convened as required (Grievance, Admissions, Backyearing, Exclusions, Disciplinary).
SCITT committees – SCITT Management Board (The SMB serves to ensure that TEACH is fully involved in the strategic operations of Poole SCITT, including its auditing and accounts), the Course Quality and Development Committee and the Trainee Professional Development Committee.

There are current additional panels (which provide feedback and guidance to the Executive/Board)
• Compliance/Pupil Safeguarding - incudes all Safeguarding and Estates and Health and Safety related matters.
• Parent Forum – parent representatives who meet termly to share views and feedback on the schools with Trustees and senior leadership.
• Task and Finish Groups – convened as and when required to advise the Board on specific matters.

Scheme of Delegation
The Committees are accountable to the Board of Trustees. Any devolved and delegated authority from the Trust Board to the Committees is detailed in the agreed Scheme of Delegation, roles and responsibilities, and Terms of Reference for the Board and all Committees. The Trust Board is accountable to the Department for Education and the Education and Skills Funding Agency.